Presenting author’s contact details:
Full first and family name(s)
– Email address
– Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, country
– Phone number
Author and co-authors’ details:
Preferred presentation type:
oral presentation or poster Viewing.
Abstract title -
must be in UPPER CASE and limited to 25 words. Please submit symbols as words.
Abstract text -
limited to 250 words, including references. Do not include tables and figures.
Abstract structure -
abstracts should clearly state:
Background and aims
Abstract topic -
select the abstract topic per the list of topics.
- You may enter up to 6 keywords.
- Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the
full word the first time it appears.
- Use generic names of drugs. The presentation must be balanced and contain no commercial promotional
- Submissions may not contain patient names, hospital ID numbers or other identifying information.
- Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process in order to submit your abstract. You may log
in to the system later to make changes to your abstract, up to the submission deadline. After the
deadline, changes will not be possible.
- You will receive an abstract reference number via email after you have submitted your abstract.
Please refer to this abstract number in all correspondence regarding the abstract.
- Please contact us if you have not received confirmation that your
abstract has been submitted.
- Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.